
HYEM Technologies provides specialized training with guided leaning paths on a variety of engineering industry-focused topics. 

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Our Specialized Training Services

On line (E-Learning)

HYEM Technologies offers the option of remote distance e-learning with a LMS plaftorm designed to have a better interactive experience for courses and diplomas in Engineering Topics. With this platform students are able to acces training material whenever & wherever they need to schedule with a simple internet connection.

On Site (Client Location)

HYEM Technologies offers the option of private onsite training sessions delivered at the customer location. For this option we can provide specialized training of our catalog or deliver a custom curriculum that meets the specific needs of the organization. HYEM Technologies can also provide rental hardware/licensing if needed.

Events (Open Enrollment)

Each period of time HYEM Technologies offers presential public sessions of our most popular Engineering Courses and Diplomas with lead instructors in industry training courses.

Tech School 4.0

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Visit our on-line course catalog

WITH A DYNAMIC LMS PLATFORM . No registeration needed.

ON-LINE Courses

TECH School

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Who is the course for?

  • For all people interested in improving their technical skills in matters of engineering, technology and innovation.
  • University students focused on having extra knowledge in Engineering topics that gives them added value by joining the labor market and can get opportunities with better tools.
  • For professionals who are working in industries and want to improve their skills and expand their curriculum to apply to new positions or new  challenges.

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