
HYEM Technologies develops innovative solutions with marketeable and competitive benefits

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Learn About Our Business Strategy with Engineering background

Engineering is everything we do

Industries in all sectors are facing a new digital revolution, also with emerging crisis and with escalating costs in all product life cycle phases; Technical innovations, product development and improvements in manufacturing processes being most prevalent.

Adhering to goverment mandates make the playing field even more complex, it is imperative for organizations to continue investing in engineering research, product development and innovation to develop solutions to meet the demands of the evolving marketplace improving efficency and safety, cost reductions in process variability, environmental impact and end-to-end solutions.

Business Strategy

With the deployment of new technologies, adaptability for new business growth must be smart and agile. Taking into account that applied engineering in technological advances can take a step ahead of the competition.

Business development must be strategic to consolidate growth, solutions must always take into account cost savings and interaction with users in a robust way. We know that the evolution of the market due to recent changes in all areas of the industry is constant and, at the same time, unstable, that is when we must be prepared with adequate technology management.

Company Strengths

Our Strong Points

The strengths that set us apart and drive us forward is a vision that we need to achieve and help in client business model as a value added.

Product Development
Business Consulting
Software Development

We Solve Real Problems

Our Brands


Solaryem is the commercial division of sustainable energy solutions of HYEM Technologies, its services are based on the installation and commercialization of Photovoltaic Systems specialized in the residential, commercial and industrial areas.


Schoolarify is the school administration and control platform developed by HYEM Technologies to reduce processes and costs involved in school management.


SGLE is an professional event management platform developed by HYEM Technologies which helps to organize and unify processes to reduce costs and consolidate remote administration of one or more branches in real time, also helps to invoice clients and manage finances and track tasks, suppliers & clients.

Our Innovation Projects


Xhono is a concept mobility solution developed by HYEM Technologies, is a low cost electric vehicle powered by 4 small electricals motors, the vehicle has commercial features and simple manufacturing processes, this is an example of our capabilities for Product Development using CAD & CAE engineering methods.

Solar Trees

Photovoltaic systems have become relevant in recent years due to the importance they have in sustainable energy, the balance with clean energy and the environment has resulted in trends in the architectural vision.

Engineering & Business Management

We'd love to share our knowledge and experience

Our integrated experts community in every sector create a high value solutions based on industry global experience with in-depth integration across knowledge and anaylitic solutions.

Helping businesses gain strategic advantage maximise profiability with planning solutions to reduce costs and being competitive.

Engineering Services

We complete all the product life-cycle engineering process including since product development to manufacturing and infraestructure development.

Consulting & IT

Our solutions cover as well as the service sector (business management, financial, commercial) via its IT  and business development division.

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