The global phenomenon of urbanization, demographic growth, environmental issues, and the rising demand for mobility are just a few of the factors that are driving the expansion of railway networks world-wide.
Cities are continually growing and these needs will radically change mass transportation systems. The global rail industry continually faces the challenges of developing effective solutions to avoid congestion and pollution from motor vehicles, saving time and give comfort & connectivity for users is required for the growth of emerging cities
The transport of the future, in addition to remaining safe, is becoming increasingly automated, connected, respectful with the environment and is moving towards becoming a unique transport system. This transformation is increasingly based on innovation, both in technology and passenger services
Transport infrastructures are facing a number of factors that strongly affect existing and future systems. Energy transition, increasing urban mobility and multiple interconnections between cities and countries are all new challenges.
HYEM Technologies is a key player to achieve digital transformation that requires the deployment of new technologies (Big Data, IoT, augmented reality, industry 4.0) in all the process involved with the railway industry, since product design & development to manufacturing and infrastructure integration to improve product quality and reliability while optimizing costs.