IT & Network Services

HYEM Technologies woks for clients across all activities sectors, out activities cover as the service sector (business management, retails, logistics, finance, consulting) via our IT Division.

We offer also the full product cycle with the setup needed to discover, design, develop and drive the development of next generation products and systems. We work together with our clients to support challenges and innovate with technology arounds the products and services in their  value chains with a legacy of sustainability according to reducing costs and waste with environmental perspectives.

Our key offerings include:

  • R&D projects
  • Agile teams
  • Software & IT Professional services
  • Data Science



Software Development / Cloud Plaftorm

Apps: Development, Maintenance & Testing

Big Data & Analytics

UX / UI Design

Digital Transformation / SMAC

Infraestructure & Network

“My day is usually quite hectic. Before I used Taskraft I had to juggle all my various tasks in my mind throughout the day. Taskraft helped me get more organized, and now I simply get more done.”


Blockchain Technology

Leverage the distributed ledger technology to make your business more secure and transparent.

Internet of Things

Use secure IoT solutions to monitor your operations, optimise them, and introduce high efficiency. Gain more insights from the Big Data gathered by IoT devices.

Augmented Reality

Use the practical promise of AR to transform key operations and become more efficient.

Cloud Computing

Use cloud platforms like Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS to create a flexible, scalable, and connected business environment.

Artificial Intelligence

Use machine and deep learning algorithms to tackle your Big Data, and get valuable insights into your operations. 


Prevent money laundering and introduce transparency with blockchain-based solutions. Use reliable payment processing with PSP backend system integration.

Our clients

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